북한 보건 (North Korea Health)

23 January 2020

The Global Fund has reached agreement with partners for a consolidated grant for tuberculosis and malaria in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and implementation of the grant has begun.

Under this grant, the drug-susceptible tuberculosis and malaria component will be implemented by UNICEF and the World Health Organization. The multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) component will be implemented by the Eugene Bell Foundation. With these revised implementation arrangements, the Global Fund is confident that partners can serve more people affected by tuberculosis and malaria, and achieve required levels of assurance that the grant is being implemented effectively.

The agreement was made possible by extensive collaboration by technical and development partners, and by the Government of DPRK. The Global Fund remains committed to supporting the health of people in DPRK, and thanks all partners for their continuous cooperation and collaboration during the grant negotiations.

[출처] https://www.theglobalfund.org/en/news/2020/2020-01-23-global-fund-grant-in-the-democratic-peoples-republic-of-korea/