프로필 이미지

(*사진 클릭시, 원문 링크로 바로 이동)


Since its launch in 1998 by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and the World Bank, the RBM Partnership to End Malaria has been a leading force in the global fight against malaria, saving lives and transforming communities. According to WHO’s most recent World Malaria Report, the number of global malaria cases and deaths in 2022 was significantly higher than before the global pandemic in 2019, with 249 million cases and 608,000 deaths, revealing an urgent need to address the growing malaria emergency.

This annual report provides a comprehensive overview of the RBM Partnership’s efforts and achievements in 2023.

With a mission to support countries, communities, and regions in malaria prevention and control, the RBM Partnership ensured that effective interventions reached those most in need.

[원문 링크]


프로필 이미지


RBM partnership의 비전은 말라리아가 없는 세상을 만드는 것 입니다. 

RBM은 말라리아 퇴치가 보편적의료보장(UHC, Universal Health Coverage), 국제보건안보 그리고 빈곤 및 불평등 감소 등을 달성하는데 핵심적인 역할한다는 원칙을 기반으로 합니다. 

Vision / 비전

A world free from the burden of malaria

말라리아의 무게에서 해방된 세상

Mission / 미션

To convene and coordinate an inclusive, multi sectoral response to control, eliminate and ultimately eradicate malaria

말라리아를 통제, 제거 및 궁극적으로 근절하기 위하여 포괄적이고 다분야의 대응을 소집하고 조정한다.

Principle  / 원칙

Ending malaria is central to achieving UHC and global health security, and reducing poverty inequality

말라리아의 종식은 보편적의료보장(UHC, Universal Health Coverage)과 국제보건안보를 달성하고 빈곤 불평등을 줄이는 데 핵심적이다.

                                                                       RBM Partnership Strategic Plan 2021-2025

[출처] 국제보건애드보커시 https://blog.naver.com/koreanagh/222274052243